It all started with the fish when the innovative shapers and board builders out there decided to revisit the past for some inspiration. In doing so they brought back some lost skills such as resin tints and hand foiled fins.The Fish Fry has been a place for these fine craftsmen to showcase their skills. We have seen some amazing boards as shapers have pushed the boundaries over the last few years. As this new look at the fish has evolved to its many forms, it has influenced other shapes and designs along the way.This has spawned a renewed interest in other board forms by this same group and a wider following.Notably the Mini Simmons, Hulls, old school Logs and Pigs. It is pleasing to note that there are an increasing number of people building their own boards as well.All of this is to be applauded and celebrated as a positive for surfing.So it is only natural that these shapers and board builders continue to share their skills with us and include these other shapes at the Fish Fry.It has truly become a melting pot of ideas for like minded people.

The Freak Fish

This is what happens when the creative Tim Stafford cross bred the Bonzer with the Fish

The Arc Tail Freak Fish - EVO6 Bonzer

He designed and foils his own fins

And the is the artist as well.The man has talent and the skills to experiment in a way many of us wish we could.

Check out his other shapes and art at :

The art of the Fish

Artist Luke Taaffe and local shaper Dan Mac Donald have teamed up to create some boards for the new Roxy shops here on the Gold Coast and in Victoria.

The boys at Deus in Bali have been adding a bit of batik and colour to some of the boards shaped by another local Gold Coast shaper Chris Garrett.

Nice so see art and craft mixing as it should to complement each other.There are some nice things happening out there. Ah the Fish has become the little craft that has changed the way we look at our surfing , express ourselves and personalise the things we love.

Simmons from Peru for a Frenchman.

" Hi, my name is Gérald Duterne ,
I'm French and I'm living in Peru. I Like very much fishes and mini-simmons so just got these shots of my new board shaped by Wayo Whilar in Lima. She is 5"8 x 22'3/4 x 2'7/8 with a big concave between the twin keels.
Life is too short, don't waste it go surfing..."

The Simmons is a board for all places in the world for sure.

Kiwi Simmons

I just stole this shot from Fish N Log blog that Mike C took of Roger Hall - Surfline Surfboards in New Zealand shaping what are probably some pretty rare craft for the boyz over the ditch.Yeah some mini simmons on the go. Great to see the boys getting up to speed. They will never look back I can tell you.This will be the start of something for sure , once some of those flightless buggars get their blinkers off.Roger will show them the way for sure.